Thursday, October 6, 2011

HHH - What a pretty day!


Yesterday packed up and went out to Horse Haven Hollow to get some training in and do some riding. Got there and the recent weeks of rain had gave us a muddy yucky mess to tramp through. Miss Whiskers was by the fence and so she volunteered to carry all the tack up to the round pen. She really hasnt been messed with too much. She is a 3 year old so she is ready. Putting a saddle on her is easy, she acts like she has been saddled a million times and she didn't object to playing the "pack mule" role. So up we go and when we get there I did a little lunge-line work and a little free lunge. She was keyed up because her buddies were outta site. She was a little disrespectful running around like a wild thing and invading my space showing me she was not pleased with the situation BUT she got over it. Last time I was out I saddled her up and got on and just sat there for a sec but I knew since that went well today I was getting on her and we were gonna move I jump on and she like the others was just so ready to go not even one little issue from it!


Another round on Traveler and I am always super impressed with him. Yeah he is a little lazy...but he is just so dependable and so willing to be your buddy compiled with the fact that hey this is really only his 6th ride...uh yeah he is doing great. I cant help but hope he gets lucky and goes to a child who is going to really grow with him. I would put any of my own children on this pony at this point. Some horses just have "it" and little Traveler definitely has "it"...he is only 3 and look at how laid back he is about even "freaky" situations! He also did alot of his "TN Walking Strut" and I have to tell you this guy is awesome to ride...he is absolutely smooth at every gait. My butt never leaves the saddle...there is no chop or bump to anything he does...he walks, trots, and canters and you don't move...another reason why whoever does end up adopting him is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE riding him!


So Jeanne went and got Jasmine while I was playing around standing on Travelers back :) and we saddled her up. She did amazing as usual, except for one small little buck in objection to me tapping her withers with the reigns to get her moving into a trot. She seems to buck out of fear. It wasn't explosive and vicious it was just kinda a "quit that" you've scared me buck. The other small little buck I have experienced with this horse was also related to a fear stimulus as I tapped her rear end with my boot on dismount and she shot off and bucked, luckily I had gotten back on before she did. Other than this quirk, which REALLY isn't that big of a deal, just something she is working through and doing great at, this horse is awesome. She has a sweet disposition, and she is lowering her head, relaxing her eyes, and accepting a rider. Yesterday was the first time I rode her with no buddies hanging out around the pen too - and beside the one little incident she did great. Next step with her is going out on trails which we plan on doing maybe next week weather permitting. She is going to experience some scary situations out there and she is going to have to be ok and not buck me off. I am volunteering my butt & noggin to teach her this lesson so hopefully she will start to relax and not react to fear in that way. It takes just staying on. So far I havent been dumped...hopefully that doesnt change in the future :)


We finished up the day bu putting on a saddle on little Miss Kenzi and I got up there and we wandered around following Jeanne without a lead rope. When she finally got her "wobbly legs" fixed we ended it on a good note. Uhhh again she just kinda volunteered to be broke and it went so smooth I swear there is something magical out there in HHH's grass :) The camara had died at this point BUT next visit she will be back under saddle and starting her road to being another great horse available for adoption!

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