Thursday, September 1, 2011

Buttons & Boo Boo

Button & Boo Boo
Went down to a friends house today and met with him and his dad to play with his horses - Button & Boo Boo. Both were kept stallions and just now being clipped they are starting training as brand new geldings. Button I believe is 6 and I think I was told Boo Boo is 3. Both beautiful horses. First I worked Boo Boo on the lunge and he did or two or two corrections...and things ran smoothly. He had some issue with invading your space but putting the whip in between he and me helped him to understand to stay out of that area. He was down in weight for a few reasons and they wanted to wait till he put it back on to start working him again...and as he gets it back so returns his spirit. But thats OK - starving a horse to make it more docile so it is easier to train is not only CRUEL but also self defeating. Unless you are going to keep it starved for all of its life...well one day when it gets its weight on it will throw some thunder. They were also started with a hackmore at the previous place and again I have no idea the reasoning behind that either :( Today I also got up on Button for the first time. Granted I do NOT like the fact he is at liberty during this. I like having the round pen...let me say that one more time...I like having the round pen...hint hint hint :) to contain the situation should it get ugly. Horses that are not broke do one of two things in most situations - buck or either of those situations it is great to be in a space that helps you stay in control if the poo hits the fan. I got up on him sat on him for a few rubbed his neck reassured him. When I asked him to move he went backwards. I asked Mike Sr. to grab him and walk with him. Now Button did great he is a high steppin. fast paced horse and is going to be a really pleasurable ride. We did that for just a little while and ended it on a good note. Mike Jr. got on and did the same and Button did fine again. We used a full cheek snaffle and a western saddle. Since we didn't have a lot of time either I did not lunge him beforehand because I only had enough time to get him fired up not wearing him out. But it was a good call - he did fine.

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