Friday, September 2, 2011

Pictures Of Quills First Ride :) Yay!

I usually always have a camera with me to record training sessions BUT I left it in my purse the day I went out and got on Quill & Traveler for the first time :( Thank God Jeanne caught a few shots...I am soooooo in love with this horse. He is just absolutely going to be a great one! Now granted just because they were good one day doesn't mean its going to be like the next time BUT I have to trust my gut on this one....I think all I am going to have to teach him is to give his head and whoa on cue. I don't think I will ever get a buck outta this boy. I think he is the rare "born broke" kind. He is only 3! He has the personality of a follower & a pleaser. I think this willing nature is going to prove that Quill (named for the feather like blaze & ink drop on his nose) will excel at anything someone puts him too. I think he would look beautiful in English Tack and as soon as I am sure he is willing & complacent as I am betting him to be I want to tack him up in English...I bet he is going to look very handsome & refined :)

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