Thursday, October 6, 2011

HHH - What a pretty day!


Yesterday packed up and went out to Horse Haven Hollow to get some training in and do some riding. Got there and the recent weeks of rain had gave us a muddy yucky mess to tramp through. Miss Whiskers was by the fence and so she volunteered to carry all the tack up to the round pen. She really hasnt been messed with too much. She is a 3 year old so she is ready. Putting a saddle on her is easy, she acts like she has been saddled a million times and she didn't object to playing the "pack mule" role. So up we go and when we get there I did a little lunge-line work and a little free lunge. She was keyed up because her buddies were outta site. She was a little disrespectful running around like a wild thing and invading my space showing me she was not pleased with the situation BUT she got over it. Last time I was out I saddled her up and got on and just sat there for a sec but I knew since that went well today I was getting on her and we were gonna move I jump on and she like the others was just so ready to go not even one little issue from it!


Another round on Traveler and I am always super impressed with him. Yeah he is a little lazy...but he is just so dependable and so willing to be your buddy compiled with the fact that hey this is really only his 6th ride...uh yeah he is doing great. I cant help but hope he gets lucky and goes to a child who is going to really grow with him. I would put any of my own children on this pony at this point. Some horses just have "it" and little Traveler definitely has "it"...he is only 3 and look at how laid back he is about even "freaky" situations! He also did alot of his "TN Walking Strut" and I have to tell you this guy is awesome to ride...he is absolutely smooth at every gait. My butt never leaves the saddle...there is no chop or bump to anything he does...he walks, trots, and canters and you don't move...another reason why whoever does end up adopting him is going to LOVE LOVE LOVE riding him!


So Jeanne went and got Jasmine while I was playing around standing on Travelers back :) and we saddled her up. She did amazing as usual, except for one small little buck in objection to me tapping her withers with the reigns to get her moving into a trot. She seems to buck out of fear. It wasn't explosive and vicious it was just kinda a "quit that" you've scared me buck. The other small little buck I have experienced with this horse was also related to a fear stimulus as I tapped her rear end with my boot on dismount and she shot off and bucked, luckily I had gotten back on before she did. Other than this quirk, which REALLY isn't that big of a deal, just something she is working through and doing great at, this horse is awesome. She has a sweet disposition, and she is lowering her head, relaxing her eyes, and accepting a rider. Yesterday was the first time I rode her with no buddies hanging out around the pen too - and beside the one little incident she did great. Next step with her is going out on trails which we plan on doing maybe next week weather permitting. She is going to experience some scary situations out there and she is going to have to be ok and not buck me off. I am volunteering my butt & noggin to teach her this lesson so hopefully she will start to relax and not react to fear in that way. It takes just staying on. So far I havent been dumped...hopefully that doesnt change in the future :)


We finished up the day bu putting on a saddle on little Miss Kenzi and I got up there and we wandered around following Jeanne without a lead rope. When she finally got her "wobbly legs" fixed we ended it on a good note. Uhhh again she just kinda volunteered to be broke and it went so smooth I swear there is something magical out there in HHH's grass :) The camara had died at this point BUT next visit she will be back under saddle and starting her road to being another great horse available for adoption!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Quill ,Traveler, Jasmine, Whiskers

Today I went out to Horse Haven Hollow again to work with the greenies :) We did alot so I will try to focus on the key points. Quill & Traveler are the most receptive to training of the unbroken 3 & 4 year olds at HHH. They are basicly moving along on the same schedule. Today both Quill & Traveler were on their 3rd time out with a rider. Last session they didn't feel confident enough to move out on their own so Jeanne helped out as we patiently followed her around while having me on their back. Today we stepped up the pace and they actually moved out quite freely with being asked from the saddle. Quill who has gained some confidence was actually alive and moving quite friskily! I have to say he is going to be an outstanding athletic horse. He was still quite the sweetheart even with his new found confidence :) Quill was responding not only to moving out, but also turning & whoaing today as well as being mounted directly from the ground rather than the mounting block.

But the definite star today was Traveler.  We had a great ride in the round pen, he too was moving out, turning, whoaing and allowing me to mount & dismount from the ground without issue at all. After working with him I rode Jasmine, and got up on Whiskers then we were gonna go on a trail ride and I was going to ride Molly but she ran off in disapproval of those plans and little Traveler was just standing there by the truck wondering why everyone was getting attention & saddles so I said I will just ride him. Tacked him up and lead him out of the pasture and down to the road, hopped on him and off we went with Jeanne on Kita & Michael on Willow. I am ASTOUNDED by this horse. This little fellow has had 3 riding sessions. He just started to learn turning & whoaing only an hour earlier and he was an absolute joy to ride. We were out riding trails...he went down steep hills, he went up steep muddy rocky hills, he crossed a little stream without batting an eye. He jumped over a fallen log like it was nothing. He got a little anxious about one log but he LISTENED to me and calmed right down. It was like he had done this a million times. By the time we were minutes into the ride, he was listening totally to me, obeying all my was AWESOME! He was slapped in the head by branches, poked in the sides by briars, we rode past oil riggings, old barrels, fallen logs & woodpiles, crossed over an old metal culvert and nothing bothered him. I don't know what else Jeanne wants this guy to learn. I dismounted & remounted a few times during the ride he stood COMPLETELY still...I am just shocked by his spectacular performance. And my honest opinion is he loves his new role in the human world. I think he really enjoyed today and I am excited for him to find a family that will take him on many many trail rides. If I didn't know personally the history of this horse and I just got on him to ride trails today I would NEVER have known that this guy is just now working on being broke. His spook factor is very low, he listens without qualm, when he did get excited about the one log it was a quick spook and he listened to me completely. I mean I have a well broke horse at home and this guy behaved himself BETTER than her on trails. Just am floored with the fact that he has had so little saddle time and just is such a natural at being broke.

Ok today I got on Jasmine again and she was so responsive to me. She is starting to relax, starting to listen to leg cues. She is getting it! And so far she has shown no attitude with me. She is starting to accept the fact that people are yes going to get on her back and yes we are going to ask her to do stuff and yes she can do it! Really good time with her too. We did some figure 8's and kept working on turning and giving in to cues and she listened like a champ. Jeanne got the video of her trotting with me later on so if I can get that I will post it later!

So today we pulled Whiskers in the pen and I laid across her with the saddle. I stepped up in the stirrup. I sat on her back and she didn't show any disapproval to the idea someone was up there so looks like we have a new volunteer at HHH to get their little butt broke ASAP :) Didn't spend very long with her but I can already tell she is ready to get started. I put some snap on reins on the rope halter and climbed up and sat there for a second. She kinda moved in reverse a bit but nothing that showed she was gonna blow up or really cared to much for my presence on her back. I think she will be just fine.

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Friday, September 2, 2011

Pictures Of Quills First Ride :) Yay!

I usually always have a camera with me to record training sessions BUT I left it in my purse the day I went out and got on Quill & Traveler for the first time :( Thank God Jeanne caught a few shots...I am soooooo in love with this horse. He is just absolutely going to be a great one! Now granted just because they were good one day doesn't mean its going to be like the next time BUT I have to trust my gut on this one....I think all I am going to have to teach him is to give his head and whoa on cue. I don't think I will ever get a buck outta this boy. I think he is the rare "born broke" kind. He is only 3! He has the personality of a follower & a pleaser. I think this willing nature is going to prove that Quill (named for the feather like blaze & ink drop on his nose) will excel at anything someone puts him too. I think he would look beautiful in English Tack and as soon as I am sure he is willing & complacent as I am betting him to be I want to tack him up in English...I bet he is going to look very handsome & refined :)

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Buttons & Boo Boo

Button & Boo Boo
Went down to a friends house today and met with him and his dad to play with his horses - Button & Boo Boo. Both were kept stallions and just now being clipped they are starting training as brand new geldings. Button I believe is 6 and I think I was told Boo Boo is 3. Both beautiful horses. First I worked Boo Boo on the lunge and he did or two or two corrections...and things ran smoothly. He had some issue with invading your space but putting the whip in between he and me helped him to understand to stay out of that area. He was down in weight for a few reasons and they wanted to wait till he put it back on to start working him again...and as he gets it back so returns his spirit. But thats OK - starving a horse to make it more docile so it is easier to train is not only CRUEL but also self defeating. Unless you are going to keep it starved for all of its life...well one day when it gets its weight on it will throw some thunder. They were also started with a hackmore at the previous place and again I have no idea the reasoning behind that either :( Today I also got up on Button for the first time. Granted I do NOT like the fact he is at liberty during this. I like having the round pen...let me say that one more time...I like having the round pen...hint hint hint :) to contain the situation should it get ugly. Horses that are not broke do one of two things in most situations - buck or either of those situations it is great to be in a space that helps you stay in control if the poo hits the fan. I got up on him sat on him for a few rubbed his neck reassured him. When I asked him to move he went backwards. I asked Mike Sr. to grab him and walk with him. Now Button did great he is a high steppin. fast paced horse and is going to be a really pleasurable ride. We did that for just a little while and ended it on a good note. Mike Jr. got on and did the same and Button did fine again. We used a full cheek snaffle and a western saddle. Since we didn't have a lot of time either I did not lunge him beforehand because I only had enough time to get him fired up not wearing him out. But it was a good call - he did fine.

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Jethro, Jasmine, Quill & Traveler


First off I have to say that I always have such a pleasant experience out at Horse Haven. Yesterday was just another shining example of getting to know the horses even better. First off we grabbed Jethro from the front yard and saddled him up like a pack mule to carry the saddle and other tack up to the round pen for me. The round pen is quite a distance from the driveway so it makes since to utilize his strength :) What did I know about Jethro - nothing. I knew we had helped Jeanne load him up to be cut about a month ago. At that time Jeanne told me we would evaluate him once the sting of being cut passed. She also said she had a feeling his was broke already but that is a crap shoot. Just because a horse has good ground manners doesn't mean it is going to let you hop on. He is very pleasant on the ground - this is very true. So we take Mr. Jethro into the main herds pasture and walk him up to the round pen. Yeah all the other horses came to see the new intruder some meeting him with penned ears and little kicks in the air, he still didn't get to excited :) Which is a good thing! Make it to the pen and get him settled in while a large group of the herd watched us from the outside of the pen. So even in the midst of all the new faces, all the glares and contention, all the calling out to his girls in the yard, he let me climb right up there after a few "checks" like laying across the saddle. I hopped on and he just did great. Thank God! You never know what is going to happen when you have no idea whether the horse is broke or not. He did great...we even trotted a bit. So you tell he is after being dumped along a highway as a stallion, had just the normal everyday handling for over a year, in the midst of what most horses would consider a pissing match with new horses, missing his buddies he can no longer see or smell, and just coming off being cut and not ONE infraction of respect and he listened like a is Jethro a good horse...UH YEAH!

Oh yeah I forgot, we also had help in the pen from everyones favorite little Boogersnot - Amigo. And he is terrifying ya know :)

Took my second spin on Jasmine. The herd was still up ther keeping us company and she was still very good. Sometimes the best thing you can do with a horse is make sure you have a really positive experience all the way around. I road her for about 20 minutes total so it wasn't a long ride, but it was very nice, very calm, and she is started to relax a little better. All positive steps towards being trained. Keep in mind this is only her 4th time with someone up on her back and she is turning, whoaing, and responding to leg pressure really well...We just have to keep that positive energy flowing with her!

Quill & Traveler
Ok I could kick myself for not setting up the camera for their big day. I got on both of them and there was no issue at all. I think Quill is going to be EXTREMELY easy to train and the same with Traveler. Both have been handled so well by Jeanne they have little issue accepting a rider at all. They are truly gentled and eager to please. At one point I think Quill fell asleep...ok on several occasions Quill fell asleep :) But I got up on both of them. Quill let me kinda meander around a little on my own, but Jeanne came in and helped him move at first...his little wobbly baby steps...I also just let him meander around without her leading him without issue. So fingers crossed that both of them are gonna go easy and smooth...because I can't wait to see them start a life with new owners.
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Milo, Quill, Cheyenne, Traveler

 Yesterday I spent most of my day out at HHH. I pulled 3 of the new starts out Milo, Quill & Traveler to get them under saddle, bridled, lunging, and I laid across their backs. They have a ways to go but they are on their way to being broke. I was impressed with each one. They are going to make some fine riding horses. They are all so friendly and enjoyable. I also worked with Cheyenne (not knowing she is completely broke) I lunged her and tacked her up just like the greenies. If I would have known she is completely broke I would have ridden her.

Video's from the day at Horse Haven Hollow

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Friday, August 5, 2011

Dallas & Jasmine

Last night I had two wonderful experiences on these horses! First I rode Dallas in the arena at a walk mostly, I did get him to trot for a bit on my own but Jeannie had to come in and put pressure on him from the center of the pen...he is just REALLY lazy in the round pen. He is a very bumpy trot. Later I left the pen and went to to the pasture with him since all his buddies were off in a different pasture. I hopped on and he started to go towards the gait to the buddies pasture and Glen quickly shut it...he paced up and down the gate I turned him around and we went for a nice gallop along the fence. And just when I though it was his all...he showed me he can move even faster...but guess what it was like sitting was the smoothest gallop I have ever ridden...he does NOT respond to well to the snaffle bit, probably used to the more popular western style bits of tomb thumbs,curbs, or something with shanks. But all in all it went fine. And guess what NO BUCKING at any was nice!

So then we decide that went well so why not catch Miss Jasmine and take a try at her. A little background on this horse. Well first off she is a sweetie :) Second off she is not broke. Last year Jeannie started to work her and she bucked her a couple times, and the last bucking fit left poor Jeannie unconcious and then training was Jeannie snatches her from the pasture and she goes into the round pen. She is a little afraid, jumps a bit at the rope, so I take a moment to just calm her down. I precede to just saddle her up like it has been done everyday for the past year or so and she does great. Same goes for bridling her. I can tell she is nervous a tad but nothing out of the ordinary so I decide to just go with her energy. I don't do any groundwork as far as free lunge because I don't want to build up her anxiety level. Some horses are best just left calm and relaxed. She didn't show any disrespect towards me, she was just a little nervous. So I jump up there and just sit for a moment and reassure her and then instead of kicking her or squeezing her I rock to kinda knock her off balance and make her move...she starts out and I give her a few minutes to realize I am up there before asking her to turn and she does great! I went to dismount and I think I must have hit her rump with my foot as I was coming off and she jumped forward out of fear but I quickly regained my seat and she did do one attempt at a buck...I pulled her head up with my trusty leadrope attached to her halter and then it was over and off we went again. Nothing more bad fact it was a very enjoyable pleasant ride. Her bucking is out of fear, nothing as long as her little rides remain calm, pleasant and enjoyable her confidence in the situation will increase and her fear will disappear. I think she is going to be fairly easy to break...

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