Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Dallas & Molly From HHH

Sunday evening I went out to Horse Haven Hollow and got the pleasure of working with two horses. The night started off with the big ol' boy Dallas...free lunged for a little bit did great...showed no disrespect...was really quiet and had a willing nature that was relaxed & peaceful...the entire thing went so well we decided to just see how far ol Dallas would let us push him...saddled him up and after a few times laying across the saddle and riding around on his side while standing in the stirrup I threw my leg across, he sat there like this was all old business to him...Jeanne who had been helping some adopters returned and lead me around the ring in both directions...not an issue for him at all...so next visit Dallas will be bridled and this time I will hop on and hopefully see what he has to offer :) hopefully it's all nice stuff...

I didn't really "work" with Molly but I did ride her first and take some of the spunk off before her new adopter Ashley could take a spin. What a nice riding little mare. She hadn't been ridden in a year so the first few minutes was just her running around blowing off some steam but she calmed down and acted like a horse that had been ridden everyday for the last year. She has a "let's go" attitude which is so nice versus laziness...she responds great to direction and let Miss Ashley have a good time. I am just so impressed with the level of gentling these horses have had. You would think they would be basket cases coming out of some of the situations they have been exposed too but they all seem so calm, complacent and act just like "normal" horses...all in all it was another good evening working with the horses at HHH.
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